This just in!

This just in!

Riddle me this: How is space travel like communism, science like religion, sports clubs like cosmetics, and organized crime like medicine?

This riddle may sound like the one from Alice in Wonderland: “Why is a raven like a writing desk?” Unlike Carroll’s question, mine is not whimsical. There is, in fact, a pattern that applies to each of the listed fields and almost all other areas in our lives; one that doesn’t do us any favours.

The Cone Model© I have developed describes a recurring pattern in which we start with well-meaning solutions to address our needs and end up with dogmatic systems that rob us of our freedoms and worsen our problems.

In my book, CONEtrolled, you will journey to uncover the inner workings of systems that oppress and control us under the guise of wisdom, necessity, kindness, greatness, unity, or progress. It will have you explore hidden truths you were taught to ridicule or ignore to keep you compliant.

CONEtrolled is NOT about feeding baseless conspiracy theories or spreading fear and distrust.

The ultimate purpose of this book is to help you rediscover your power and ability to build a better future as an individual, a member of your human tribe, and an integral element of this planet.



“Dr. Israel's writing is both engaging and thought-provoking. She skillfully uses metaphors and detailed examples to illustrate complex social phenomena. …The author's ability to connect abstract concepts with everyday experiences makes the book accessible without oversimplifying the issues.” ★★★★★ Literary Titan

What an accomplishment! Ms. Israel has managed to explain why we are stuck in a history that repeats itself in such a clear and comprehensive way that I wish everyone would read this book, especially during these precarious times!” ★★★★★ Dr. Gili Adler Nevo

Inspiring read! I really enjoyed reading CONEtrolled. It's a book that everyone needs to read as it reveals the truth of our world and what we can do to help ourselves. We all want freedom. CONEtrolled guides you in attaining it.” ★★★★★ Joanna

Reclaim you! This excellently-written book details an almost startling fresh construct for analyzing the human condition and my own personal condition. It is not a light read, but is an easy read that probably will change each reader's life (for the better).” ★★★★★ Phil Schalm